Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Religious Studies

hey guys, if you need a second class to fulfill the humanities requirement, consider taking REL2011 with me next semester. I will be teaching it at 10AM, at 3PM and at 4PM.  We have a blast, and you will become a better human being! ~ Dr. J

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Storm That Swept Mexico 1/8


 Published on May 3, 2012
The Storm That Swept Mexico tells the gripping story of the Mexican Revolution of 1910, the first major political and social revolution of the 20th century. The revolution not only changed the course of Mexican history, transforming economic and political power within the nation, but also profoundly impacted the relationships between Mexico, the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Porfiriato by Dr. Michael Brooks

Published on Dec 31, 2012

A brief lecture on the period of Mexican history known as the Porfiriato.

Weaving the Past: Mexico in the Era of Porfirio Diaz