Monday, July 1, 2013

"Nothing will ever be the same" ~ Theodore Roosevelt

On July 1, 1998
U.S. forces (including Theodore Roosevelt's "Rough Riders") won the Battle of San Juan Hill in Cuba.

Rough Riders - Charge Up San Juan Hill 

Notice the scene 4 and a half minutes into the clip when Roosevelt (Tom Berenger) says "Nothing will ever be the same."

Pay attention to the symbolism of the American flag flapping over a water tower that says "Empire" on it... this was a turning point for American history and for the Unites States' stature as a world power.

Whether it was good or not, I leave to you, oh dear reader, to decide. 

~  J. Holbrook

Battle of San Juan Hill (Wikipedia)

By-the-way,, a little know fact is that Theodore Roosevelt and his son got lost in the Amazons in 1913. Roosevelt got sick and was unable to walk. He considered taking a vial of poison he had with him to commit suicide and to give the rest of the party a better chance of surviving. His son Kermit talked him out of it. Roosevelt survived but lost 50 pounds. Years later, his son Kermit would commit suicide.

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