Thursday, August 24, 2017

Study Latin America (or the Caribbean) for a bachelor's degree

For more information: 


Patch said...

This is great news that FIU now has this degree online so that more people can benefit from all that the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center at FIU has to offer. Considering that it is one of the top Latin American and Caribbean Centers in the nation, it truly is helping FIU extend it's reach to help even more students become "Worlds Ahead".

Unknown said...

This was a very interesting article because i did not know such a major existed. Being that Miami is a melting pot of cultures, especially carribean and Latin culture, this major makes a lot of sense. Being able to know The Who, what, when, where, and why for these Latin and Carribean cultures will allow interactions to be easier.

Unknown said...

This seems to be a very interesting program.

Unknown said...

I wasn't aware that there were so many jib opportunities with such degree.