Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Seventies: CNN

The Seventies 5of8 The State of the Union Is Not Good

The Seventies 7of8 Terror at Home and Abroad


Dragana Visnjic said...

This was really an interesting video about 19070's and Jimmy Carter. I have never heard about Jimmy Carter and it was nice to learn that he was the 39th president of the United States of America. Even more interesting and new for me was that he was not a politician but peanut farmer from Georgia.

Mykaiesha McCarthy said...

I wonder if the fear of terrorism today is worse now than it was then.

Unknown said...

I agree with Dragana, it was an interesting video to watch about the 1970's. I know Jimmy Carter was the 39th president of the United States but I didn't know much about what he did as president or who he was.

John Bryan001 said...

I never really saw the good the bad and the ugly of the 70s. Cool to see how it has reflected on the 21st century.

mgarcia said...

Wow. Nice to actually learn some about Jimmy Carter did not know much of him as president.