Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Power of Punctuation!

okay, lets pause for a brief and humorous reflection on the power of punctuation in English


Unknown said...

Hahaha that was great!

Joseph Holbrook said...

yes, I agree

Jorge Perez said...

Hahahahah it is so true! How funny

Samantha Diaz said...

It is amazing how punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence so drastically.

Unknown said...

That is interesting to note.

Unknown said...

I think this is what makes the English language so interesting and also so hard to learn!!! Sometimes English makes no sense like have you ever wonder why knight and night sound the same? why put a k if its silent?

Unknown said...

Haha that's AWESOME 😂

Brittany Linton said...

I absolutely love this! It goes to show how powerful punctuation is.

Taufiq Islam said...

Another punctuation joke, haha. I should try this one on my friends and see how they would punctuate it lol.

Natalia A San Martin said...

Wow. It's amazing how you can tell how a person sees the world just with punctuation.