Wednesday, September 10, 2014

European Conquest of the Americas : Week 3

Today's lecture on the European conquest of the Americas ....


Unknown said...

It's really interesting the different paths Columbus took over the different trips he made from Europe to the Americas. Next time I go to Bahamas I'm going to remember this class, I didn't know the European have been in the Bahamas :-)

Arisbel Rivero said...

I enjoyed this chapter for the simple reason that it covers the discovery of Cuba. I was born in the island that Columbus called the most beautiful that human eyes have ever seen. I'm extremely proud of my latin roots, taking this class has helped me have an even deeper appreciation for my latin culture.

Joseph Holbrook said...

good comments ARisbel and Alex.... I love Cuba! (and Cubans)

Marcella Azcona said...

eesmrIt was not until this class that I found out that Christopher Columbus's first landed on the Bahamian island of Guanahani. I always thought it was the island of the Hispaniola, probably because it was in the same year..

Unknown said...

School left me under the impression that Columbus landed in what would be known as Hispaniola...but I found out more accurate information in this class. I was fascinated to see how it seemed that the European powers were destined to stumble upon the Americas, although it's hard to think about the cruelty the natives endured.