Sunday, December 22, 2013

On Dec. 21, the Stonehenge perfectly aligns with the rising and setting sun.

On Dec. 21, the Stonehenge perfectly aligns with the rising and setting sun.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Stonehenge may have first begun to be built between 3000 and 2000 BC. Individuals have been found buried there from as far away as the Mediterranean, Wales and Germany. It probably served both as a burial place and a place of worship. There may have also been mystical healing properties associated with the site

Secrets of Stonehenge : Documentary on the Mysteries of Stonehenge

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today in 1948, the U.N. issued the Universal Declaration of Human Rights!

Today is Human Rights Day -- the anniversary of the 1948 adoption of the U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Dec. 10, Human Rights Day

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948

Saturday, December 7, 2013

72 years ago today ....

Our nation suffered the shock of an unexpected attack ....

Attack on Pearl Harbor

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And it totally changed the world as we know it....