Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bernie Sanders Said Something We Weren't Ready to Hear Last Night

Bernie Sanders Said Something We Weren't Ready to Hear Last Night

Well, at least I lived long enough to hear a presidential candidate from one of the major parties refer to "the so-called Monroe Doctrine."

It came during the most interesting passage in the debate Wednesday night between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Sanders was asked if he regretted having once supported the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua and having once paid some compliments to the Castro regime in Cuba.
Well, let me just answer that. What that was about was saying that the United States was wrong to try to invade Cuba, that the United States was wrong trying to support people to overthrow the Nicaraguan government, that the United States was wrong trying to overthrow in 1954, the government—democratically elected government of Guatemala. Throughout the history of our relationship with Latin America we've operated under the so-called Monroe Doctrine, and that said the United States had the right do anything that they wanted to do in Latin America. So I actually went to Nicaragua and I very shortly opposed the Reagan administration's efforts to overthrow that government. And I strongly opposed earlier Henry Kissinger and the—to overthrow the government of Salvador Allende in Chile. I think the United States should be working with governments around the world, not get involved in regime change. And all of these actions, by the way, in Latin America, brought forth a lot of very strong anti-American sentiments. That's what that was about.
A few minutes later, as an addendum to an answer about her solution to Puerto Rico's crippling economic crisis, HRC pounced and pandered.
And I just want to add one thing to the question you were asking Senator Sanders. I think in that same interview, he praised what he called the revolution of values in Cuba and talked about how people were working for the common good, not for themselves. I just couldn't disagree more. You know, if the values are that you oppress people, you disappear people, you imprison people or even kill people for expressing their opinions, for expressing freedom of speech, that is not the kind of revolution of values that I ever want to see anywhere.
OK, I wanted to yell, "What about the Saudis/Chinese?" at my TV, too, and it did occur to me that HRC might want to ask her lunch buddy Henry Kissinger about his human-rights record some time. But what most struck me is the depth of the denial still about the profound costs of U.S. intervention in the affairs of our closest neighbors, and our easiest proxies, in the various Great Games. The Monroe Doctrine might have made sense when England, France, Spain, and even Portugal still had imperial ambitions. But that was a very limited space in time. By the mid-1800's, the Monroe Doctrine, and the philosophy behind it, was an excuse for land-grabbing. As one prominent American politician once put it,
"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable—a most sacred right—a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own, of so much of the territory as they inhabit. More than this, a majority of any portion of such people may revolutionize, putting down a minority, intermingled with, or near about them, who may oppose their movement. Such a minority was precisely the case of the Tories of our own revolution. It is a quality of revolutions not to go by old lines, or old laws; but to break up both, and make new ones."
Of course, as we know, those remarks cost that Lincoln rube his seat in the House and ended his political career.
The 20th century was even worse. We insistently meddled in Cuba throughout it, even though our meddling came dangerously close to blowing up the entire world. Within our own hemisphere, we backed dictator after dictator, oligarch after oligarch. We armed terrorists. We financed coups. We allowed bombings and drug smuggling. We sold missiles to the mullahs in order to finance our terrorists. Somoza. Pincochet. Batista. Rios-Montt. To paraphrase John Quincy Adams, we did not go far abroad to find monsters to support.
These are just some of the people who did not live long enough to rebut HRC's presumption of American innocence:


Keffrey Foster said...

Bernie Sandes couldn't be more correct. America had/ have an issue will getting themselves involved instead of supporting countries. Instead of just helping countries their problems becomes ours. The Monroe Doctrine displays the selfish ideology that America had and people were not ready to relive the moment where the mindset of America was not at its best.

Dylan Raybon said...

Sanders For President, he'll definitely out do Hilary if given the opportunity.

Natalia A San Martin said...

I feel like none of the choices we have for this upcoming election are great. This whole campaign has been like a reality show on MTV.

Giuliana di Croce said...

Like Natalia said, the 2016 elections have turned into a reality TV show. It's all about drama and which candidate could bash the other more. However, I do agree with Bernie when he says that the US trying to implement regime changes in other countries is not smart nor effective. There is enough historical evidence to prove that when we interfere in other countries and elect leaders for it's citizens, the repercussions are awful.

Natalie Borowski said...

I find this election interesting and I find it crazy how divided our nation is at this point. I hope we all come together and do what is best for the United States.

Unknown said...

I wish Bernie Sanders was one of the main presidential candidates instead of Trump and Hillary. I would have loved to see him win and most importantly, lead America to success!!